Automotive passion


De :     à      
De :     à      

When I take the train, I travel in :

When I fly, I travel in :

I stay in :

When traveling :

I smoke :

I smoke :


General Terms and Conditions of use and Sale

The General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website (hereinafter the “Website” or “Fazzaz”) govern the relationship between the Users of the Website and the operator, Philéas SàRL. Users are invited to read these General Conditions carefully. By accessing and using the Fazzaz website, Users agree to be bound by all terms and provisions of these General Terms and Conditions in their entirety and without reservation.
Members will be informed of any modification to the General Terms and Conditions by means of a notification in their inbox on the Website. It will also be published in real time. The new General Terms and Conditions come into force as soon as they are published on the Website. In the event of disapproval of the new General Terms and Conditions, the User must refrain from using the Website or, if he/she is a Member, close his/her account.

General Terms and Conditions of use and Sale

Fazzaz is a domain name operated by Philéas SàRL, which operates under this brand. Philéas SàRL is a limited liability company with its registered office in the Principality of Monaco, 2 rue du Gabian (hereinafter Philéas). The Website aims to bring together people who share a common passion, namely, a passion for the automobile. In addition, Philéas will be able to develop features such as organizing events and promoting culture through the Fazzaz website, as well as activities related to sharing passions and enabling personal interaction.
“Conditions” refers to the General Conditions set out in this document

“Website” refers to

“User(s)” refers to any or all person or persons visiting the website

“Member(s)” refers to any or all valid registered Users of our Service, whether or not they access paid services

“Content” refers to the information contained in the Member’s Profile, created by the Member and displayed on

“Service(s)” refers to all services offered by the Website, including, but not limited to, the publication of Members’ Profiles, User access to such Profiles and Member-to-Member Contact Requests

The terms “Us”, “We” and “Our” refer to Fazzaz or to Philéas SàRL.
No registration is required to explore All Users have free access to the Profiles posted by Members. To post a Profile online, a User must register and become a Member. The same applies should a User wish to make Contact Requests to other Members. This registration is free.
To become a Member of, Users must complete the registration form on the Website and provide an authentic, recent and high-definition picture of themselves. Fazzaz does not accept pictures featuring multiple individuals. No brand or logo shall be conspicuously displayed on the photograph of the public Profile.
It is strictly prohibited for Users to register someone other than themselves.
It is strictly forbidden for Users to write phone numbers, e-mail addresses, Internet addresses or links that would allow Fazzaz Members to contact them directly or to access their own blogs and/or website directly in the section “Let me say a little more about myself and my passion for cars”.
Fazzaz has the right to decline any registration or to ban any User from the Website at any time, without any prior notice or explanation.
Registration is a voluntary act for which each Member must consent to the collection, processing and publication, editing, disclosure, copying of his/her Personal Data and his/her images, photographs and drawings, made by Philéas on the basis of its legitimate interest in the operation of in accordance with its Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.
A micro-payment is only executed when a Member sends a Contact Request to another Member and it is accepted. A Contact Request is made by clicking on the “Contact Request” button on each Member Profile. By clicking, the Member making the request accepts initiation of the payment that he/she will have to pay at the time of the Request and which will automatically be deducted from his/her Fazzaz account if it is in credit.
If the Contact Request is declined or is not answered within eight days, Philéas SàRL will refund in full any amount paid into the Member’s Fazzaz account the day after the eighth day.
Members can make payments by credit card (Mastercard, Visa) or via PayPal.
You can credit your Fazzaz account in advance; this facilitates payment and entitles you to a Contact Request bonus according to the scale defined and published in the “Payments” section of your Fazzaz account.
Fazzaz uses “Monetico Payment” which is an encrypted payment option from the European Bank of Crédit Mutuel. It complies with the highest safety standards. It uses the PCI DSS and 3D-Secur modules.
Any Member who has credited his/her Fazzaz account in advance by purchasing one or more lots of Euros has a period of seven clear days from the confirmation of his/her order to change his/her mind and exercise his/her right of withdrawal by requesting a refund of the sums he/she has paid. The exercise of this right is only possible if no Contact Request has been made and will make it impossible to make Contact Request after the withdrawal using said lots of Euros.
To exercise this right, the Member must contact Philéas SàRL in writing, either by letter addressed to the registered office address or by e-mail to the following address:
The refund will be made via the payment method used by the Member to pay for his/her order. Philéas SàRL will not charge any cancellation fees. However, any direct costs of return invoiced to Philéas by its bank or by the Member’s bank shall be borne by the Member and, consequently, deducted from the sums refunded.
A Member holding a credit balance in his/her account may under no circumstances request a refund, except as provided in Article 4.4 above, or transfer all or part of it to another Member’s account.
When a Member wishes to sponsor a friend and provide with the details of said friend, he/she agrees to secure his/her consent first and to allow to process his/her data, which will only be used to address, in the name and on behalf of the sponsoring Member that provided the contact information, an e-mail message informing that friend of the Services on the Website. The Member provides this information voluntarily, freely and with sole liability. The sponsored person is free to register or decline the invitation.
For each sponsorship resulting in the registration of a new Member, the sponsor will have his account credited with an amount as defined in the sponsorship section of the Website. These credits can only be used on the Website and do not constitute a remuneration paid to the sponsor. As such, they are neither refundable nor transferable to another Member’s account.
You cannot use if you are under 18 years of age.
Fazzaz Members are only natural persons. No registration of legal persons or other entities will be accepted. A Member may, however, express in his/her Profile the wish to establish a professional relationship and/or refer to his/her professional activity, provided that he/she does not use Fazzaz’s Contact Request Services for advertising purposes.
Members interested in promoting their business or entering into a partnership with Fazzaz can contact the Website by clicking here.
Il est interdit aux Membres d’autoriser l'utilisation de leur compte par des tiers et ils ne peuvent ni céder, ni transférer leur compte à une autre personne ou entité.
Any User who wishes to get in touch with another Member will first need register as a Member on Fazzaz themselves. He/she will then be able to make Contact Requests to other Members.
Fazzaz’s Contact Request Service is charged according to the terms of article 4.1. The price is published in the « About Us » section of the Website.
The price of the Contact Request is paid directly to Fazzaz. No Member is paid by the Website.
La somme correspondant au prix de la Mise en Relation est payée directement à Fazzaz. Aucun Membre n’est rémunéré par le Site.
A Member who has ‘Verified’ Member status is a Member who has provided Philéas with a copy of his identity card to attest to his/her authenticity through Fazzaz.
Password(s) and any other information used to identify a Member are strictly private and confidential and must not be passed on to or shared with any third parties. Philéas does not hold any access code and/or password for its Members. Members acknowledge that Philéas is not responsible for third-party access to their account that results from theft or misappropriation of their user names and passwords.
There is no geographic limitation to the use of the Website and its Services. However, Users must use the Services in a manner consistent with these Terms and Conditions. Philéas does not guarantee in any way that the content on the Website complies with current regulations everywhere. We recommend that Users refrain from using the Website where it would be illegal to do so. Users who nevertheless choose to access the Website do so at their own risk and with sole liability.
Members are solely responsible and liable for the information and Content they post, transmit, publish, or make available to Users, directly or indirectly, through the Website. Philéas reserves the right to monitor the Content that Members publish on the Website and also has the right to delete, at its own initiative or at the request of a third party, any Content which, in its sole opinion and without any need for justification, violates or could violate the law and/or these General Conditions, the ethics or the spirit of the Website (see article 7). Members will not necessarily be notified of such deletions.
Users are liable for all risks when navigating, including, but not limited to, if Members, all risks associated with any online or offline interactions, including dating other Members. Members agree to take all necessary precautions.
To access, Users will need a computer, a laptop, a smartphone or other appropriate device. Users are also advised to have JavaScript functions, cookies and pop-ups enabled. Despite the precautions we take, we cannot guarantee the proper functioning, without interruption or error, of the Services provided by the Website.
The use of our Website may be interrupted at any time for maintenance, updates, technical improvements, or to develop its content or display. Whenever possible, we will notify Members before carrying out this work.
Members undertake to respect good behavior and not to publish, transmit or communicate any Content or link to any content which:

➡ promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, physical and psychological harm of any kind against any individual or group;

➡ is intended to or may harass, annoy, threaten or intimidate any other Members of the Website;

➡ is defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, obscene or otherwise objectionable;

➡ infringes the rights held by third parties (for example, the reproduction or distribution of music, films, videos, photographs, images, software, etc.);

➡ contains videos, audio files, photographs or images of another person without his/her permission (or, in the case of a minor, the minor’s legal guardian);

➡ promotes or enables illegal or unlawful activities, such as instructions on how to make or buy illegal weapons or drugs, violate someone’s privacy, harm or harass another person, obtain others’ identity information, create or disseminate computer viruses, or circumvent copy-protected devices or software;

➡ is intended to defraud, swindle or deceive other Users of;

➡ promotes or solicits involvement in or support of a political platform, religion, cult, or sect;

➡ disseminates another person’s personal information without his or her permission, or collects or solicits another person’s personal information for commercial or unlawful purposes;

➡ is off-topic, meaningless, or otherwise intended to annoy or interfere with others’ enjoyment of the Website;

➡ impersonates, or otherwise misrepresents affiliation, connection or association with any person or entity;

➡ uses scripts, bots or other automated technology to access the Website;

➡ uses the Website for chain letters, junk mail or spam e-mails;

➡ is in any way used for or connected to spamming, spimming, phishing, trolling, or similar activities;

➡ could be directly or indirectly related to soliciting or prostitution.
Members must not provide and other Users with misleading or false information such as personal data and pictures.
8.1 Philéas, operator of the Website, uses the Personal Data provided voluntarily by Members in accordance with the Monegasque regulations in force. We advise Users of the Website to refer to the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy to learn more about the collection and use of their Personal Data.
Philéas is the owner of the Website, its name, its design and its Content. This includes, but is not limited to, the documentation, images, logos, characters, design, music, software, codes and format scripts. The material included on the Website, whether generated by the Users or Fazzaz, is protected by copyright. Reproduction, modification, transmission, re-publication and/or re-distribution to third parties, for any purpose, by any means and on any device, is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent under penalty of prosecution.
The names of the Services, brands, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts contained on Fazzaz and in the Services offered by Fazzaz are the exclusive property of Philéas and, where applicable, of its commercial partners and may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express authorization of Philéas or its partners, under threat of legal proceedings.
The rights of use granted to Members are reserved for private and personal use within the framework and for the duration of registration to Fazzaz Services. Any other use by the Member is prohibited.
The Member or User shall refrain from modifying, copying, reproducing, downloading, disseminating, transmitting, commercially exploiting and/or distributing in any way whatsoever the Services, the pages of the Website, or the computer codes of the elements composing the Services and the Website, under threat of legal proceedings.
The Member grants Philéas a license to use the intellectual property rights attached to the Content provided by him/her in connection with his/her registration or use of the Services or the distribution of his/her Profile. This license includes in particular the right for Philéas to reproduce this Content, represent it, adapt it, translate it, digitize it, use it, or sublicense it, on all or part of the Website, in e-mailings and generally on all electronic communication media (e-mail, internet, mobile application) in order to provide the Services offered to Members and Users.
The Member expressly authorizes Philéas to modify this Content in order to respect the graphic charter of the Services or other communication media referred to above and/or to make them compatible with its technical performance or the formats of the media concerned. These rights are granted worldwide and for the duration of the validity of the Fazzaz General Conditions of Use between the Member and Phileas. The Member shall refrain from copying, reproducing or otherwise using the content relating to other Members other than for the strict use of the Services for personal and private purposes.
Links to third-party websites may be provided on This does not imply that we recommend or endorse such third-party websites, nor are we responsible for their content or any goods or services offered thereon. If, in the course of performing a search on our Website, Users encounter any third-party website the use of which would violate applicable law, we recommend that the Users immediately refrain from and/or cease use of said website. In all cases, Users use these websites at their own risk.
Correspondence or business dealings with, or participating in promotions of, advertisers or sweepstakes sponsors, found on or through, are solely the business of the Users and said advertiser or sweepstakes sponsor. Fazzaz does not act as an intermediary and is not contractually bound with these third parties outside of the advertising services on the Website. Philéas will not be responsible or liable for the terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with any such dealings.
We may communicate with our Members by sending e-mails to their known address or by posting on the Site.
Members may also receive our Newsletter about the Website or special offers. Members who do not wish to receive such emails can unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of each Newsletter.
A Member may, at any time and without the need to provide any reason, end his/her registration with us by requesting the closure of his/her account. Such a request does not trigger reimbursement of any credit balance in the account.
If a Member commits a serious breach of these Conditions, and/or behaves as described in Article 7, online or during a face-to-face meetings, whether the violation in question was observed directly or was reported to us, we will terminate the Member’s account without prior notification or warning and without having to provide justification. Such termination shall have the same effect as a termination effected directly by the Member, without prejudice to any damages that we may claim from the Member or legal consequences that may be incurred by us.
The Member will be informed of the termination of his/her account via an e-mail sent to the e-mail address given during registration. Data related to the Member will be destroyed 5 (five) years after termination of the Member’s account.
Philéas assumes no liability should Users violate any of our Terms and Conditions. Users who violate any of the articles of our Terms and Conditions will have to indemnify Philéas (including our directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents, representatives and affiliated companies, as applicable) against any claims from third parties arising out of any such breach, without prejudice to any legal action that may be taken against the Users for material or moral damages.
Philéas assumes no responsibility for any technical inaccuracy and/or typographical errors in the Website Content. We kindly ask Users who notice a problem or errorto let us know. Once notified, we will make a correction as soon as possible.
For the operation of Fazzaz, Philéas complies with the international technical standards in force regarding the protection of the Website against viruses. However, we assume no responsibility for any problems or damage which may occur in the event of the Website coming under attack from a virus, other external influence or malicious software.
We assume no responsibility should the Website and certain operations malfunction due to the deactivation of “cookies” that may have been placed in the User’s browser by the Website.
Philéas does not endorse Members’ claims, opinions or behaviors and is not liable for them.
Philéas reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the Website when necessary without giving prior notice.
Navigation of the Website entails acceptance by the Users of these Terms and Conditions. The annulment of an article of these Conditions does not invalidate the General Terms and Conditions as a whole.
These General Terms and Conditions are governed by Monegasque law. Operation of the Fazzaz Website is also subject to Monegasque law and all related copyright.
In the event of a dispute between Fazzaz and a User, the Monegasque courts shall have jurisdiction. Philéas SàRL may, however, at its sole discretion, call for arbitration to resolve a dispute.